Presentation Details

Presentation Index by: Intended Audience | Subject/Track | Presentation Time | Primary Presenter | Room Listing

Abstract Details (PID = P157)
Title:Common Misconceptions in Science (P157)
Description:Science is a complex field, often necessitating shortcuts in how it is taught. This can result in those shortcuts being codified in how the subject is taught in the future. The result is that students (and even some teachers) can often have strongly held misconceptions that are then transmitted to others. In this course, I will cover several misconceptions seen in popular science venues and even in some general science classes. Topics will include misunderstandings of the nature of science, electricity, orbital motion, the nature of intelligence, radiation, and other diverse topics. This presentation is drawn from a twelve-hour video course created for the Wondrium company (previously known as The Great Courses).
Subject:Science Literacy
Intended Audience:HS (9-12)
Aligned with NGSS:No
NGSS Level:Not Applicable - Not an NGSS Related Presentation
Type of Presentation:Lecture - Presenter(s) will primarily present information via a lecture, PowerPoint, video, etc.
Primary Presenter Detail
Presenter - 1 / Title:Dr. Don Lincoln, Senior Scientist
Co-Presenter(s) Detail
Presenter - 2 / Title:
Presenter - 3 / Title:
Presenter - 4 / Title:
Presenter - 5 / Title:
Schedule Details
Time:01:30 PM
Length:50 min
Room Setup:Theater / 200 people